Is Our PLANET a Battleground for Warring ALIEN Civilizations
Our planet has been a battlefield for alien civilization for thousands of years. As a result, there have been fights, damage, and efforts to block our progress, according to William Tompkins, author of Selected by Extraterrestrials. Since 2015, Navy engineer William Tompkins has become a Military Industrial Complex whistleblower about his involvement in the design of Americas first Space Fleet while working in secret and isolation. Is all this true or is it pure Science Fiction 0:00:00 Start 0:00:54 Intro 0:01:57 William Mills Tompkins 0:06:03 Earth is a battleground for alien races 0:07:15 The Dark Fleet 0:08:36 Solar Warden 0:11:07 Conclusion Theres more to say, more to explore together and we invite you now to join this new journey with us on Section 51 Subscribe now