Robert Berys WTC 9, 11 Footage ( Enhanced Video, Audio Doubled FPS)
Raw video from CNN shot by Robert Bery (amateur ). Unfortunately it has bad audio quality, especially of the video segment between 04:07 and 09:32. 00:04 Frozen image. Video resumes at 00:10 with next shot. 02:33 Sudden mass panicking on West Broadway. Unknown cause. This scene was also captured by at least two WABCTV videographers nearby: John Chow (w, reporter Jim Hoffer) and Gerardo Lago (w, reporter Nina Pineda). 09:32 Frozen image. Video resumes again at 10:14. 16:31 to 17:16 Shots of molten metal dripping and flowing out of a 80th floor window at WTC2 north face near its northeast corner. Recorded between 9:51am and 9:58am. 17:17 Collapse of WTC 2 (South Tower) recorded just after 9:58:59am. Very shaky shot. Collapse initiation not included. POV West Broadway north of Chambers Street. 28:34 Large pressure pulse occurs on lower WTC1 impact floors at 10:18:48am, mostly affects flames and smoke on floors 92 and 95 at north face. 35:05 Destruction of WTC 1 (North Tower) recorded