Classic Pin Up Art by Harry Ekman, Pearl Frush, Joyce Ballantyne and Zoë Mozert
Joyce Ballantyne was a noteworthy member of the girl s club among pinup artists her women were often more natural than the studiously coy poses of her male counterparts. she became part of a group of artists who were extremely close, both professionally and personally, including Gil Elvgren, Earl Gross, Al Moore, Coby Whitmore, Thornton Utz, and Al Buell. She was also to become one of the three best known female pinartists of the period along with Pearl Frush and Zoë Mozert. As one of the top three women pinup and glamour artists in the calendar art market at midcentury, Pearl Frush readily commanded the respect of the art directors, publishers, sales managers, and printers with whom she worked. Yet because she worked primarily in watercolour and gouache, her originals could rarely be reproduced in large enough quantities for her to achieve widespread popular acclaim. A close examination of her work, however, reveals a talent for meticulously realistic images comparable to br, br,