3 Lessons from Kneesovertoesguy for Lasting Strength Physique
It took many years of training and learning as a coach before I was able to say goodbye to common squatting myths and Ive been feeling better ever since. If youve ever heard you shouldnt squat with your knees past your toes, or that the big mover muscles are on the back of your legs so thats all that should be trained, youre missing out on valuable training for sport, physique, and longevity. In the two years Ive become friends with Ben Patrick (kneesovertoesguy), his methods have influenced some of my own. Here are 3 foundational lessons to overcome knee pain, and also incorporate into any strength and conditioning program to look good and move well for decades. Functional Bodybuilding try Persist free at ATG Online check out Ben s training at Follow Marcus Follow Ben FUNCTIONAL BODYBUILDING