Colors in Mandarin. Learn Mandarin with BASHO FRIENDS , 儿童歌曲 颜色
Learn the colors. .. in Mandarin Fresh beats and catchy hooks make it easy to learn languages. Visit to find out more about the BASHO FRIENDS mission, watch all the videos, and learn Spanish, Mandarin, French, or English Were uploading a new video for learning Spanish every Saturday To make sure youre notified of our latest videos, subscribe here: Also check out the BASHO FRIENDS Spanish Playlist featuring dozens of catchy videos and songs for learning Spanish. Full lyrics available at the website: YANSE nǐ kàn dào nà xiē yán sè le ma hǎo piào liàng a wǒ chàng nǐ tīng Hóng sè. Lǜ sè. Huáng sè Lán sè. Bái sè. Hēi sè. Chéng sè. Zǐ sè. Yán sè. Hóng sè. hóng zhǐ Lǜ sè. lǜ cǎo Huáng sè huáng tài yáng Lán sè. lán tiān Bái sè. bá yún Hēi sè. hēi dòng Chéng sè. liǔ chéng Zǐ sè. zǐ huā Yán sè. Wǒ chàng nǐ yě chàng Hóng sè. Hóng sè. Lǜ sè. Lǜ sè.