THE POTION MASTER, PART 1, Resin eyes and Face up, Rainbow high Custom figure
Hello everyone I hope you enjoy one of my latest projects. While this video is more on the technical side, the next installment will be more on the story. Hope you enjoy it Come Check out my Patreon Socials Instagram Twitter Check out Morg sdolls Faceup materials Mr Super Clear Flat Matte Spray Sealant: USA only: toxic item please wear a mask Water Colour Pencils Faber Castell Albrecht Durer: Paints Games workshop Khorne red Vallejo paints Transparent red White Paint BrushesWinsor Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Pointed Round Brushes Size 1: Size 3: Resin QiaoQiao DIY Music 0. 00 Black Fading Clouds (Le nubi si sono dissolte) Enzo