Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator on Single ESP32 TV OUT
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator TV OUT (ESP32, USB Keyboard and SDCard) Single esp32 spectrum 128 emulator with usbkeyboard and SDcard, video output. Original source code if you enjoyed those videos, then please subscribe to my channel which I update every week Subscribers : Hardware 1 Analog color PALTV 50 Hz output: (GPIO25) 2 USBKeyborad GPIO16, GPIO17 ) 3 Emulation AY38910 (GPIO27) 4 SDCard control PINNUMMISO 2 PINNUMMOSI 15 PINNUMCLK 14 PINNUMCS 13 , zxspectrumesp32. ,esp32zxspectrumemulator, esp32spectrumemulator About Social Media, Business, and Blogging