Overgrown Sidewalk Near IMPOSSIBLE To Use, Lets Transform This Mess
I was driving around my city and found this overgrown sidewalk that looked near impossible to use. Tree branches, thorny rose bushes, slippery leaves, all made this sidewalk in desperate need of a makeover quick I asked the homeowner if she d like me to cleanup her sidewalk for FREE and she said absolutely. She was truly thankful that I was willing to help her out as she didn t have the equipment nor strength to clean everything up herself. When you see something, do something. This world would be a better place if we followed this principle. We d take 2 steps forward and not 1 step back. Hope you guys enjoy :) Amazon Store (Products We Use) Our Affiliate Partners (SAVE 10 codes) Kujo Yardwear: Use link to instantly save 10 at checkout. Darwin s Grip Equipment Handles: Use code FILL10 for