Authentic caipirinha recipe. learn to make strawberry caipirinha with condensed milk. Caipirinha can be made with brandy or vodka. The caipirinha made from vodka is called here in Brazil as CAIPIVODKA or CAIPIROSCA. Strawberry caipirinha with condensed milk is the second most consumed here in Brazil. You can make strawberry caipirinha with sugar or condensed milk. Strawberry caipirinha with condensed milk is also very delicious. The best caipirinhas are: Caipirinha Lemon Caipirinha Of Strawberry grape caipirinha Passion fruit caipirinha Kiwi Caipirinha Thanks for watching. Hope you like this video Don t forget to CLICK like this video and subscribe to my channel Welcome to the Snack Brzazil channel. Here I show Brazilian foods, sweets, snacks and drinks. , braziliansweet, openingcandywrappers, brazilianfood