Italian Territory Ceded To France (1947)
Unused, unissued footage dates and locations unclear, unknown. M, S of French cars arriving at Tenda after it had been taken over by the French authorities. People dancing in the streets. Several shots of lorries, laden with Italian goods and furniture leaving the village. A man walks away from camera with a suitcase on his shoulders. Old Italian woman sobs into handkerchief. Good shots taken from on top of one of the lorries as we travel along in a line behind numerous other furnitureladen trucks. There are people sitting on our lorry. We stop at the frontier where people show credentials to French Gendarmes. Italian soldiers stand to attention as the Italian flag is hauled down at the frontier. People dancing and celebrating in the streets at night. Drunk ( ) man does a funny dance before being pushed out of shot by another reveller People carry flaming and sparking torches. Cars and trucks passing on the street at night or dusk. Then some very dark shots, difficult to see what is go