Hollywood Area OIS 10, 02, 2021 ( NRF053 21)
OfficerInvolved Shooting in Hollywood DivisionNRF05321ma On October 2, 2021, around 11:00 a. m., a woman was walking in the area of Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue. The suspect, later identified as 27yearold Grisha Alaverdyan, approached the woman and stabbed her in the stomach. Friends of the woman flagged down a LAPD sergeant who requested additional units. With additional units at scene, Alaverdyan was given directions that he did not comply with. While armed with the knife, he moved toward the officers, resulting in an officerinvolved shooting and the use of a beanbag shotgun. Alaverdyan was struck by both gunfire and the beanbag round. Both the woman who had been stabbed, and Alaverdyan were transported to local hospitals for medical treatment. Alaverdyan was booked for Attempt Murder. The knife Alaverdyan was armed with was recovered at scene. No officers were injured during the incident. LAPDs specialized Force Investigation Division responded to the scene and interviewed witnesses