How Polands New Rifle will OUTMATCH their Enemy
Get Your Own Mini GOAT Replica Today Polands infantry needed a new primary rifle that would give them a technological advantage over a potential Russian invasion. In order to accomplish this they turned to their very own domestically produced GROT rifle that does everything their previous old soviet style AKM cannot. The concept here is that the GROT is flexible enough to excel at the various forms of combat a Polish soldier might encounter. From trench warfare to long range treeline to treeline shooting. Written by: Chris Cappy Diego Aceituno Edited by: Savvy Studios The GROT was introduced in 2017 alongside the founding of their brand new military branch called the Territorial Defense Forces as part of a major modernization overhaul plan. The rifle s development actually closely tracks Poland s transition from their old soviet style weapons to the nations new place in the world as a major NATO player. Today over 10, 000 Grot Rifles have be