Rhinoplasty Recovery Guide 5 When Should I Start Nasal Massage After Rhinoplasty
When the nose bandage and the nose are removed, the nose may look big on you because of the payment. Remember that you will be shortened for at least 1. 5 years and be patient. The shrinkage will be much faster, especially during the first 2 months. Nasal massage in the first weeks may accelerate the removal of this swelling. In patients with thick skinstructure features, it may take up to 2 years for skin to remain completely in full swing. The nose massage alone can not shorten this time Being patient is the most scientific suggestion. Especially in patients who underwent revision nose surgery and have undergone ethnic nasal aesthetic surgery, there can be very different healing times. Bruising and skin discoloration in the first 2 weeks in the majority of patients are completely eliminated. , Rhinoplasty, NoseJob, NoseMassage, NasalMassage, PostOpCare