Bajlo Tomar Alor Benu Mudragraphy by Susmita, Mahasashurmardini, Durga Puja
On the occasion of Durga Puja, I am extremely delighted to bring something new in front of you all. This is my first attempt to Mudragraphy on the legendary song Bajlo Tomar Alor Benu by Supriti Ghosh which is part of iconic Bengali radio program Mahasashurmardini. Performed Mudragraphy by: Susmita Seal Shoot Edited by : Suvojit Poddar (suvojitpoddar) Give this video a thumbs up Subscribe to my channel for more updates Click the bell icon select All to get notified for all our videos. Follow my Art Crafts page on Instagram artsyardour I do not own the copyrights to this music. This video is for entertainment purpose only Singer: Supriti Ghosh (1978) Lyrics: Bani Kumar Music Composition: Pankaj Kumar Mallik Opening Solo Song from The Mahasashurmardini Programme of Akashbani, Kolkata. Released by HMV in 1978. , Mudragraphy, DurgaPuja, Mahasashurmardini, Mahalaya, BajloTomarAlorBenu, SupritiGhosh, BaniKu