How Children Succeed Paul Tough Animated Book Review
Use my FREE 27 ConfidenceBoosting Hacks: Want my TOP 10 book list : Get a girl to like you using psychology (52 off ): How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, written by Paul Tough is a great analytical book on the magical powers of nurturing and grooming children. He goes in depth and studies children who became successful adults and those who would be considered failures by their peers. I learned a lot reading this book. There are a ton of scientific studies and quite a bit of insight into perfect parenting to raise children. He says even those brought up from a terrible socioeconomic background can still become extremely successful with the right character and some parental nurturing. The biggest lesson I learned from this book is that it is extremely important for a child to learn how to cope with stress. Animated Book Review Playlist: Insta: Twitter: Facebook: Check out MY Passive Income Ebook: