Custom select menu CSS only
Check out Scrimba s new career path: Also, a big thank you to David Lower who gave me the idea for this video You can check out his site at , , Timestamps, , 00:00 Intro 02:02 The HTML 03:03 Starting the CSS 05:14 Setting up the custom button 08:05 pointerevents none 09:30 Fixing the size 11:11 The custom icons 16:37 Outro Customizing form elements can be one of the hardest things to do with CSS, with select menus being the worst of the bunch. Instead of creating a completely new element with a pile of divs and a bunch of JS, there are ways to customize select menus though It doesn t give you 100 control, but you can go pretty far with a couple of pseudoelements and the use . .., KevinPowell, tutorial, html, css, customselectbox, customselectboxcss, csscustomselectbox, howtodesignacustomselectbox, customselectdropdowncss 20200722 bB14uo0Tu5A