Sub 2 Hour Half Marathon Strategy: 1:07 Half Marathoner Tips
Seeking a new sub 2 hour half marathon strategy Tired of falling off pace when it matters most This video will provide clues to ensuring there are no leaks in your training so you work smarter and get better results rather than just working hard and continuing to miss the 2hr half marathon barrier. The athletes who are running under 2 hours for the marathon are no better than you. What they have done is spent adequate time running faster than 9:09 mile, 5:41 kilometer pace and often enough to make that pace sustainable over the entire duration of the race. Can you run a 2 hour half marathon or faster by just running easy, base mileage Yes, it has been done before. That being said, some of us are more or less talented than others. So, if you are lacking in talent you have to make up for it with your work ethic. It may take you 5 years to do what a talented runner can do in 1 year. That being said, it is the end result, what it is we are aiming to do that matters and that is to run a sub 2hr half marathon