High Power Hydraulic Artificial Muscle for Tough Robots
The muscle is 15 mm in diameter and generates 700 kgf contraction force. The hydraulic highpower muscle has been developed by Suzumori Endo Robotics Laboratory at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Bridgestone Corporation as part of the Impulsing PAradigm Change through disruptive Technologies program (ImPACT) Tough Robotics Challenge which is an initiative of the Cabinet Office Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. Related news : Development of a Hydraulic Drive HighPower Artificial Muscle through the Cabinet Office Tough Robotics Challenge SuzumoriEndo Laboratory(Japanese): This video can be used for informational purposes such as Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to media and personal Web pages except for advertisement. Please clearly state copyright for the source of the material, Suzumori Endo Lab, Tokyo Institute of T