Darth Sidious VS Darth Sidious VS Darth Sidious
Darth Sidious VS Darth Sidious is a fanedit directed and edited by Max Justh and written and voiced by The Big Soup. Somehow Prequel Sidious traveled back in time to meet with his future self, trying to confront him and finish what started as an excuse to explain Snokes origins in the sequels. With the collaboration of: The Big Soup : The Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer Song, epic cover made by Yuri Software used: Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro Music used: Background music by Hans Zimmer. From the movie The Red Thin Line Journey to the line: This channel does wonderful movie edits, mashups and parodies with various movies (LOTR, Hobbit, Star Wars, Jurassic If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments Ma