2023 Experts Panel: Beyond Sight The Power Promise of Remote Viewing
UAMNTV Remote Viewing is a technique that allows individuals to access information about a remote or hidden target through nonlocal means. The idea may seem outofthisworld, but it is just as grounded as any other skill. The approach has been used for a range of purposes, including military intelligence, and scientific research. Its potential applications are vast, and its continued development and study can lead to valuable insights and discoveries about the human mind and its capabilities. Could Remote Viewing answer our questions about our place in the universe What other valuable insights are waiting to be revealed Host Alan Steinfeld Panellists Tracey Garbutt Dolan, Drs. JJ Desiree Hurtak, Anthony Peake, Dr. Paul H. Smith This channel is managed by Zohar Entertainment Group UK, Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, USA and AdRev, USA.