President Leads Irelands Holy Year Pilgrims (1950)
Full title reads: President Leads Ireland s Holy Year Pilgrims. Rome, Italy. GV Reception committee around President s aircraft. SV Irish President Sean O Kelly shaking hands with clergy. CU Mrs O Kelly. CU O Kelly shaking hands with clergy. SV Pan, caribinieri. CU O Kelly pan to Mrs O Kelly. MV O Kelly gets into car. SV Towards and pan to back view car driving away. GV Exterior Villa Spada. CU Irish emblem on gate of Villa Spada. SV Towards O Kelly followed by wife walking through doorway of villa. CU Chauffeur doffing hat. SV O Kelly gets into car. LV Towards and pan car leaving Villa Spada on way to Vatican. MV Travel shot back view of car approaching and passing Garibaldi s statue. MV Towards car passing Garibaldi statue on way to Vatican. MV Travel shot towards St. Peter s cathedral. SV Swiss guards. SV Towards and pan cars entering gate of courtyard. LV Pan car driving across courtyard. SV Pope s guard. LV O Kelly accompanied by clergy inspects Pope s guards. MV Back view O Kelly wal