Bioware Costume Contest Entry Flemeth
View in 720 for best quality Costume info below. If you wish to see photos of the costume please go to Costume info: Yes, I did use aged makeup techniques. Flemeth is a very old (and powerful) woman, after all The top is a fusion of 3 preexisting patterns, and I used screenshots to map out the studs. The collar was something I drafted from scratch. It contains over 500 studs alone. I used approximately 13001800 studs for the entire costume. I intend on adding more in the future, when I have more time to work on it. The armor is made of craft foam and wonderflex plastic. The skirt was burned and torn to match her ingame appearance at Lothering. The earrings were made of sculpey. The wig is a commission from Ryan Showers. It makes the costume, and I could not have had such a perfect Flemeth without it Many thanks to my friends Taylor E. and Jake for spending their Saturday trav