The most powerful machine gun you can carry
Use code: PURPOSE for 10 off your order I tested out a real life BFG. What would you do if the the enemy is in a fortified position A concrete house where your bullets are bouncing right off. Meet SIG s MG338. Designed specifically to eliminate any of those pesky hiding places. Follow the Host: cappyarmy Andrew Tucker: tuckervisuals Discord Channel: We found that in Afghanistan the enemy liked to entrench in buildings and fire harassing shots. They liked to find elevated fighting positions that were out of US Forces firing range. This weapon would address any capability gap within the US Forces. It can chew through a buildings walls thanks to its higher kinetic energy. The MG338 is one step down from the 50 caliber machine gun while being the same weight and length as the M240. Around 27 lbs and 47 inches with a 24 inch barrel. If youre on a patrol in some open moun