HOLY MARY. CREATING POWER OF LOVE. Trailer, Kaleidoscope of Facts 12
Everyone has a deep need for real, True Love the love that fills a person with meaning and Life. At all times, people have had knowledge about this power that creates worlds, and of the One who brings this power to Earth. Many names and epithets have remained in history: Isis, Inanna, Sophia, and now Their essence is the same the Mother of God. People feel Her invisible presence and help. What is the role of the Holy Mary in each persons life Why is the Virgin Mary compared to the Guiding Star What is the essence of Mary s service and feat You will learn about the divine feminine power that gives True Life. What is the power of the divine feminine and how does it give birth to True Life You will find answers to these and many other questions at the International Online Conference Kaleidoscope of Facts HOLY Mary. CREATING POWER OF LOVE. July 13, 2021. It s time to give the truth back to the people All episode