あか組4 赤い日記帳 ( Akai Nikkichou)
The 2000 Hello Project Shuffle Unit Akagumi4 with their song Akai Nikkichou. The members: Nakazawa Yuko, Goto Maki, Danielle Delaunay, Shinoda Miho. The single was released in summer 2000 along with two other Shuffle Unit singles, in order make a competition which group would sell the most copies. (Akagumi4 was the winning group ) 年のハロー プロジェクトのシャッフルユニットあか組4は赤い日記帳というのシングルをリリースしました メンバーは中澤裕子後藤真希信田美帆ダニ, 12456 br, br,