How to Light Fashion Editorials with Holly Mc Candless Desmond, Continuous Lighting Set Ups
In today s video, I head to the legendary Rankin Studio to follow fashion photographer and lightingsetupextraordinaire, Holly McCandlessDesmond during one of her recent editorial shoots for Yue Qing Wei. Holly also runs us through some of her best tips for shooting with studio lighting, in particular continuous lights. A massive thank you to Holly and the whole team for letting me join them during this shoot. You can find them all and follow them here: Creative Direction Designer: Photographer: hmdfilm compulsoryview Art Direction Production: sarahmintja Production Assistant: yianchen313 Set Design: rafispangs Lighting Assistants: helenaense oliverdundas Hair stylist: itshasansahin Make up Artist: Models: 6bllb gabrielchen Connect with Me: Instagram: Twitter: Browse my Equi