Counter Strike: Where has all the fun gone
Time to get some things straight. I made this video because I was bored. I was not trying to get a lot of attention (surely not 17k views). I love CounterStrike. I have played it since I was 11 and it is definitely a big part of my childhood. I hate to see it end, but in reality it has to. All good things will come to an end. No one wants to sponsor and old game because there s no money income. It s simple. And, without money, there s no professional industry. CS:GO does not seem fun at the moment (to me). I, however; have faith that they might make it playable. It s in beta. Give it a chance. Most of you don t even have beta keys to begin with. If you truly love counterstrike you will support what helps the game, as a series, grow. Enjoy the video everyone. Go ahead and dust off or redownload mIRC and join, WhatNext Everyone, try out the new CSP 1. 09. This game feels almost exactly like 1. 6 with good visuals. This might be the next and its fun br, br,