Free Front Yard Makeover For Elderly Widow In Need
If you let your house get this way, it is likely you will be inviting rats, squirrels, your local vermin into your home. My brother became aware of a need an elderly widow had for some much needed maintenance around the house, so we volunteered and did a hard cutback on the 15 foot tall Ligustrum shrubs (I would be willing to wager pretty much anything we did NOT kill them, so save your comments), cut a few feet off a half dozen azalea bushes present, and spent a long time cutting back some type of flowering vine that took over a corner of the house, grew up a TV antenna, and was annexing the pine tree. All debris was pulled to the client s back property, which they approved and saved the city from having to pick up from a very dangerous roadside (both in terms of car volume, speed but also a pretty steep ditch that would have made the TL3 scoop loaders they use dangerous at worst and sketchy at best). A quick mow to get the grass short again topped the job off, in all we spend 10 man hours on this project