Handkerchief Drill Trailer (1949)
Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. A short trailer film about the dangers of not using a handkerchief when you sneeze. Title reads: Question 1. Various shots of man sneezing in public place and not using a handkerchief. In voiceover his wife asks what she should do. The answering voices suggests that she should reason with him. Various CUs of man with wife patting his head and stroking his hands. The voiceover advises if that doesn t work throw a bucket of cold water over him. MS man about to sneeze as a bucket of water is thrown over him. Title reads: Question 2. Women in voiceover says she showed her husband a handkerchief and he used it for various purposes, but not guarding his coughs and sneezes. MS we see the man cleaning things and covering things with his hankie. The answering voice advises her to take a large pepper and shake it over his head she then places a handkerchief in front of his face as he is about to sneeze. Title reads: Question