Production Tips Tricks You HAVENT Seen Before
Get 20 off of Super Heavy 2 with this code (only for the first 50 orders): CHADCUT20 SUPER HEAVY 2: In this video I m showing you some cool sound design, arrangement production in general tricks that you might ve not seen before along with showing you how I made this banging track for the pack preview with lasery, bubbly, watery laser huge, big balls, I mean basses. Royalty free sounds: Watch more: Timestamps: 0:00 In this video 0:54 The origins 2:32 Trick for getting cool sounds 3:03 Sick watery pitch movements trick 3:11 Creative way of balancing the sound 3:36 Shape matching trick 4:33 Cymbals for more flow 6:17 Tip for beefy transitions 6:24 Add power to the drop start 6:31 Keep the song conhesive 6:47 Use a separate sub why 8:08 Saturation phenomena 8:31 Rounding out the tops of the sound 9:05 Sick lasery sound breakdown 10:02 Sweep through the sound trick 10:47 Quicc soundz tricc 11:41 Diffusing the sound trick 12:58 Make things hit hard + bounce 14:16 Separate sub settings 14:37 SH announcement