Old English Customs Record D (1950 1959)
A British Travel Holidays Association Film Commentary by John Glen. Produced by Associated BritishPathe Ltd. Continued. Vintners Company ceremony in London. Swanupping (sp ) or swan upping. Procession through a London street. C, U of sign which reads: Vintners Men in traditional dress enter the hall. C, U of a flag which reads: Vintners Royalty and features a picture of a swan. M, S of group of men standing on a boat drinking a toast. The Vintners and Dyers Companies perform the swan upping ceremony. They herd together the swans and mark the young cygnets. Various shots of boats moving along the river Thames and of swans and cygnets. M, S of man in strange striped hat and jersey battling with a swan. More shots of men in boats and of the swans being labelled and set free. C, U of a sign which reads White Tower A. D. 1078. Low angle of the Tower of London. Annual custom of beating the bounds. Choirboys are handed canes by Beefeaters. Various shots of the boys beating