Trick Shots Vol. 1
This video is the end result of a few months work of practicing, filming and editing. I take making a video as stupid as this, very seriously. The final clip alone is the most difficult, most stupid and most awkward to practice fighting game thing I ve ever done. Before we get all descripty though, if you ever notice that I haven t uploaded for a while, I m always working on something. And recently, I ve been working on this. That final clip (playing SF3 and SFV at the same time) is an idea I had in the back of my mind for ages but never took the time to figure out a way to actually get 2 setups to try out. The first time I did try it my thoughts were Yep, that s definitely not going to happen. A few days later though, I had some time to kill and thought I d give it another go. There was still absolutely no chance of me even coming close to doing it but just getting through a few parries in both games felt like a massive achievement and I started taking it a b