Steven Universe Movie Happily Ever After Nate Wants To Battle ft. Ama Lee, Anna Prosser, Morgan Berry
A pop punk rock music song cover lyric video of Happily Ever After from Steven Universe: The Movie by Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle) feat. AmaLee, Anna Prosser and Morgan Berry DOWNLOAD, STREAM THIS SONG SPOTIFY j. mp, nwtbhappilyeverafterspotify APPLE MUSIC j. mp, nwtbhappilyeverafterapplemusic AMAZON j. mp, nwtbhappilyeverafteramazon ITUNES j. mp, nwtbhappilyeverafteritunes CHECK OUT THESE SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS Five Nights at Freddys Songs j. mp, fnafsongsspotify Anime OPs and Endings j. mp, animesongsspotify Steven Universe j. mp, nwtbstevenuniversespotify Original Music j. mp, nwtboriginalspotify Best of NateWantsToBattle j. mp, bestofnwtbspotify VOCALISTS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE find Nathan Sharp Twitter