Udemy Performance Optimization and Risk Management for Trading 2023 2 12
Part 12 (0:59:24) 21 Appendix 3 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 0:00:00 007 The method logreturns() 0:03:21 008 String representation and the special method repr() 0:07:03 009 The methods plotprices() and plotreturns() 0:12:25 010 Encapsulation and protected Attributes 0:16:27 011 The method setticker() 0:19:46 012 Adding more methods and performance metrics 0:25:37 013 Inheritance 0:34:39 014 Inheritance and the super() Function 0:41:27 015 Adding meaningful Docstrings 0:47:51 016 Creating and Importing Python Modules (. py) 0:52:10 017 Coding Exercise Create your own Class