How Cotton Is Grown Egypt (1940 1949)
A British Instructional Film presentation HOW COTTON IS GROWN (EGYPT) A graphic map of the world shows the main cotton growing countries through arrows and pie chart illustrations. Egypt is chosen as focus for the film. Shots of an Egyptian landscape. Land is prepared for cotton by ploughing a man drives a tractor which pulls a small plough. Women carry baskets on their heads and shoulders. A wooden plough is pulled by two cows. Men use picks to make even furrows in the ground. Irrigation process is illustrated. Canals. Cotton seed is sown by a group of men. C, U of the seed being sown by hand. C, U of sapling and shots of the fields with small plants growing. Men hoeing between the rows of plants. Group of men working in the fields with hand hoes. Women and children crouch down and take the tips off leaves as they walk along. These are then thrown into a fire. Shot of the field with cotton growing. C, U of branches showing cotton then of the flowers and buds. A bud being opened.