Cigar box balancing circus act
An impressive cigar box juggling performance by a Russian entertainer in India. Cigar boxes are rectangular props used in juggling. Cigar box manipulation began as a vaudeville act in the United States between the 1880s and 1920s, and was popularized by W. C. Fields. Originally, performers would take actual boxes that cigars were stored in and nail them shut to create their juggling props. Today, cigar boxes for juggling are typically purposebuilt, hollow wooden or plastic blocks with suede or foam rubber padding attached to the sides. Cigar boxes are juggled by holding a box in each hand and tossing and flipping a third box in between them. Routines performed with cigar boxes may also include quick midair boxexchanging tricks, balancing tricks, and more. Most tricks are done with three boxes; more advanced routines may include more than three. Source: Wikipedia This footage is part of the professionallyshot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd. ,