Steel Mill Trains inside Indiana Harbor and Gary Works
On January 8th, 2023, I visited two steel mills in Northwest Indiana. First I stopped by the Cleveland Cliffs Indiana Harbor plant (former Inland Steel). Right away there was a SW1001 dropping off some torpedo cars at the small yard west of the Indiana Harbor Canal. Soon after, a slug set with a SW1500 picked up the cars and brought them to another facility in the plant (I assume to be loaded). I then moved onto Gary Works where I caught a couple Gary Railway SW1200s moving around the mill. One was paired with a slug and was loading some torpedo cars that I caught departing the loader. Another interesting piece of a equipment I spotted was some sort of cart that unloaded iron ore next to one of the main blast furnaces. If anyone has any info on it, I d be curious to know Thanks for watching Like what you see Subscribe Also make sure to check out my other social media pages Instagram: