Rockefeller And His Bride (1959)
Unused, unissued material Title reads: Rockefeller And His Bride. American voiceovered newsreel material. Soegne, Norway. CU Lutheran Church steeple, pan down to entrance, showing people waiting outside during wedding. MS Rockefeller and his bride, AnneMarie Rasmussen (formerly a maid to the Rockefeller family) walking towards exit of church. LS Bride and groom standing on steps of church posing (father of the Groom Nelson Rockefeller is there). Overhead shot of crowd. VS Steven Rockefeller and bride. MS Crowd waving. LS to MS Couple standing and waving from open car. New York, United States of America (USA). GV of plane taxiing in. MS Rockefeller and bride alighting from aircraft. MS Rockefeller s bride receiving present from little girl. CU Rockefeller and his bride. CU Rockefeller being interviewed Well all I can say is that we hope to be alone for a month and other answers. Governor Rockefeller of New York is also interviewed. CU Rockefeller and his bride. (Co