太極 散 手 對打 Taiji Sanshou Duida is a sequence, handed down from the Yang school of Taiji, of 88 techniques in which each technique is the answer to the previous technique. Chen Yanlin first published it in 1943 considering it a real treasure: The way it was built can be described as seamless, everchanging, infinitely subtle and is truly the masterpiece within the system. . Master Chen also maintained that without this sequence, practicing only the Taolu alone and the Tui Shou in pairs, one remains incomplete, like building a hundredstorey building and stopping at the ninetyninth floor In fact, in this sequence there is a brilliant strategy, a solution to martial problems that does not require brute power, but sensitivity and listening. In practice, it reminds me a lot of Ulysses strategy against Polyphemus: skill and cunning. In our school we divide the sequence into four sections, here the first section of 18 movements, repeated on both sides and then each practitioner performs a total of 36 techniques