JEFF BEZOS wants your HANDS Amazon One hand scanning
Amazon One is the new contactless payment system that Amazon is introducing to its physical stores. The system is based on palm vein scanning, a biometrics solution that authenticates a person based on the vein patterns. Mark of the Beast Dystopian technology No, but it certainly raises some concerns regarding data privacy and security. Check out also the video from Lumi at the Benchtop on how palm vein scanning works: 0:00 Introduction 1:24 Why Amazon wants your hands 2:08 Biometrics systems 2:46 Concerns on biometrics systems 4:14 Palm vein scanning vs fingerprint scanning 5:00 Palm vein scanning vs face recognition 6:32 Concerns on palm vein scanning 7:35 Concerns on Amazon One Subscribe for more content Sources: Amazon One: Palm scanner launched for secure payments Am