Best of Shoegaze
This is a mixtape of wellknown first wave shoegaze songs. All copyrights belong to artists and labels. Enjoy this mix. 0:00 My Bloody Valentine Only Shallow 3:34 Slowdive Souvlaki Space Station 9:04 Lush Nothing Natural 14:34 Curve Fait Accompli 18:49 Medicine Miss Drugstore 23:14 Swirlies Pancake 26:23 Swervedriver Duel 32:09 Ride Vapour Trail 36:16 Cocteau Twins Lorelei 39:53 Chapterhouse Mesmerise 44:00 Catherine Wheel Black Metallic 51:04 The Jesus and Mary Chain Just Like Honey For more interesting mixes, subscribe and explore this channel.