09 Rogue: Dodging Bullets, Hot n Steamy Tell All, No Freak of the Week, and Teenage Angst
Timecodes: 0:00 Intro 2:30 Comments 4:25 Synopsis 7:12 Als Corner 8:10 Play by play 9:06 Bus scene 12:45 Victoria Hardwick scenes 14:10 Forced storyline 21:49 John Schneider stand out 26:20 Arrest scene 29:37 Museum scene 31:25 Dodging bullet 33:55 Lex and his office 36:58 Things of note 37:58 Hotline 47:10 Bodycount 48:28 Show Rating 55:10 Ryans Favorite Scene 57:40 Outro 59:58 Love ya folks 09 Rogue: Dodging Bullets, Hot n Steamy TellAll, No Freak of the Week, and Teenage Angst, smallville, talkville, season1