Hangout, Catch Up, Making a Raycast Extension
It s been a while. Let s catch up. The AppleScript we wrote to toggle the Bluetooth: 00:00:00 Waiting Room 00:14:58 Stream Starts, Catching Up 01:04:05 Exploring Raycast Extensions and AppleScript 01:48:07 Making a Raycast Extension 02:07:59 Figuring out Applescript to Toggle Bluetooth 03:35:43 Thanks Sign up for my mailing list: Donate: Pledge: Stickers: Gear List: Search for more Coding Garden videos here: View the Coding Garden FAQ here: Music by Chillhop Music: . .., CodingGarden, javascript, coding, programming , tutorial, learning, debugging, webdevelopment, web 20240321 tyzZBrWNfdU