Kazoo Band (1960)
Ashington, Northumberland. High angle L, S of guards Trooping the Colour dissolves into M, S of children and teenagers in the kazoo band marching in a field in front of a small crowd of spectators; the drum majorette, Marilyn Young, leads the group round; all wear white and green costumes and most carry kazoos. M, S of the crowd looking on. M, Ss of the band marching; we see the drum section at the rear of the group and C, U of a girl playing the bass drum; M, Ss of adults and children in the crowd applauding. Commentator says Despite the militarylike precision the bands have no ties in that direction on the contrary they re run by a committee of miners (coal miners, that is) who raise the money for in fact the whole idea is unique, although perhaps typical of the community spirit in most mining towns. The band forms three lines and march on the spot as MY twirls her baton; at her signal they stop marching and put their kazoos to their mouths. M, S as the band starts to play Blaze