Nuclear War Between U. S. and Russia (2019 Simulation)
Simulation used with permission via Princeton SGS and The Nuclear Secrecy Blog The United States and Russia have more than 12, 000 nukes combined. Over 3, 000 of those can be launched within 15 minutes notice. We avoided annihilation in the Cold War, but what if allout nuclear war happened today Princetons Program on Science and Global Security, along with Alex Wellerstein of the Stevens Institute of Technology, have created a new realistic nuclear war simulation for a plausible escalation between the U. S. and Russia. The war would occur in phases, quickly escalating as targets changed from tactical locations to cities. More than 30 million people would die immediately, and twice that many would be injured. Deaths would rise as nuclear fallout settles this occurs when residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere falls back to Earth. The longterm effects of an allout nuclear exchange between the U. S.