Kowlong Express: Bringing Forgotten Fragments into Slitterhead
What were the motivations to set Slitterhead in the world of Kowlong We flew out of Japan with Toyama to take a deeper dive into some fragments of his memory, chasing the urban energy aesthetics that inspired the game. 今日は外山が活気ある街の通りを歩きながら最新作野狗子: Slitterheadの舞台設定に対するインスピレーションを掘り下げる特別映像をお届けします彼がこの特定の背景を選んだ理由やKowlongの世界を生き生きと描くためにどのような要素に惹かれたのかお楽しみください Follow us on: X: x. com, BokehGameStudio Facebook: Official Website: Wishlist Slitterhead on available platforms: PlayStation: Xbox Series X, S: Steam: Epic Games Store: 2021 Bokeh Game Studio Inc.