Penis size revealed by your fingers , Uro Channel
Penis size is revealed by your fingers. Because it is determined by exposure to testosterone in certain critical points in time. During pregnancy, the fetus is subjected to testosterone during weeks 10 to 15 of pregnancy. Dr. med. dr. phil. Stefan Buntrock, urologist from Göttingen, explains in this video on YouTube how the ratio between index and ring finger reveals penis size. Because a low ratio is correlated to larger penises. It is a sign of high testosterone exposure during pregnancy. Apart from penis size, other features have been linked to 2D:4D digital ratio: performance as a financial trader, decision taking, risk behavior and good luck. However, one should be cautious when building correlations because not everything can be correlated to anything. HOMEPAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: CHECK OUT GOLFMD ON YOUTUBE FOR GOLF FITNESS AND MEDICAL TOPICS ON GOLF , 2d:4ddigital ratio, penissize, testosterone