Army Ranger Breaks Down All The Gear He Takes On A Night Mission, Loadout, Insider Business
Sgt. 1st Class Jacob Braun breaks down every piece of gear a US Army Ranger would carry in their aviator kit bag during a nightraid mission. The bag includes protective gear, ammunition, and a Samsung Galaxy phone. Braun explains why each item is integral to a Ranger s mission. According to the Army, Rangers are the branch s premier special operations light infantry raid According to Braun, Rangers specialize in infiltrating enemy territory, completing their objective, and rapidly withdrawing, often at night. The Army s 75th Ranger Regiment is headquartered at Fort Benning, Georgia (soon to be renamed Fort Moore). Editor s Note: at :27, footage shows a US Marine in a jointtraining exercise with the US Army s 75th Ranger Regiment. We regret the error. MORE LOADOUT VIDEOS: Everything In An A10 Warthog Fighter Pilot s Bag, Loadout, Insider Business Every Piece Of Gear In An Army Jungle Soldiers 72Hour Bag