The FLOOR is LAVA GAME , Funny Game for Kids, Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs by Little Baby PEARS
Subscribe to our channel Hi kids Let s play the game the floor is lava. Our funny fruits play the game floor is lava. Let s see where they manage to climb so as not to fall into the will not be an easy test. And you love to play the floor is lava. Sing and dance with our funniest fruits Piro, Liza, Banana and Berry lyrics: Welcome to the The FLOOR is LAVA GAME Yeah When I say the floor is lava get out the floor When I say break the ice, break the ice Got it Breakbreak the ice Dontdont think twice Stompstomp your feet Listen to the beat Breakbreak the ice Dontdont think twice Stompstomp your feet Listen to the beat Oh no the vulcano is about to erupt Now the floor is lava Hide Its flowing Run Its coming Hide Its flowing Run Its coming Mission acomplished See this deepdeep river Dont you shiver Get ready to Swim SWIM Swimswim on your back Swim along the track Move your