How To Fix 500 Internal Server Error, What is 500 Internal Server Error, Step by Step Guide
In today s video we will discuss about how to fix 500 Internal server error. The 500 internal server error is not a WordPressspecific error. It is a general server error that may be related to your server settings or your WordPress files. Use the information in this tutorial to troubleshoot the 500 internal server error you are receiving. SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL HERE : Here are the things you ll need to troubleshoot. 1. Your htaccess file may be corrupted. Try renaming it and create a new one then see if that fixes the 500 error. If it does then the problem is in the htaccess file. 2. You may have reached the PHP memory limit on your hosting account. Try increasing the limit 3: Check Your Plugins Don t Forget SUBSCRIBE for more interesting Tips Previous Videos: How to Create a Complete Wordpress Website on Localhost, Install Wordpress Locally on Your PC